“On l’a à peine remarqué”| Frédéric Maupomé & Stéphane Sénégal| Frimousse, France | 52pp | 20 x 29.5 cm
At the beginning it was just a line crossing the hopscotch, no one was really paying attention to. But then, from tiny it turned into a small wall, growing higher and higher, to become impassable. One couldn’t see the people on the other side anymore… Until one day, scratches appeared. One, two, ten… No one knew who had made them. They were not high. At children’s height. The scratches became cracks, crevasses and the wall started to shake, to finally fall and for the children to reunite with their friends, hopscotch and games. But what if the line comes back?
Rights sold in Italy & Turkey. All other rights available